Hello people. Today's essay will be about the threshing machine, and why it is so beneficial to our daily lives.
A threshing machine or a thresher is a piece of farm equipment that separates grain seed from the stalks and husks. It does so by beating the plant to make the seeds fall out. Before such machines were developed, threshing was done by hand with flails: such hand threshing was very laborious and time-consuming, taking about one-quarter of agricultural labour by the 18th century.[1] Mechanization of this process removed a substantial amount of drudgery from farm labour. The first threshing machine was invented circa 1786 by the Scottish engineer Andrew Meikle, and the subsequent adoption of such machines was one of the earlier examples of the mechanization of agriculture. During the 19th century, threshers and mechanical reapers and reaper-binders gradually became widespread and made grain production much less laborious.-Wikipedia
So, how does it work? Well, the thresher was a farm machine for separating wheat, peas, soybeans, and other small grain and seed crops from their chaff and straw. Primitive threshing methods involved beating by hand with a flail or trampling by animal hooves. An early threshing machine, patented in 1837 by Hiram A. and John A.-Britannica
However, over time the old threshing method became obsolete, and was replaced by the infinitely more efficient modern technique, which could reduce the whole process to seconds.
As a conclusion to my essay, the threshing machine was and is very important to society, because this way one thirds of our population is not farmers who work very hard for a couple of people to have a slice of bread.