Who are my potential customers?
1B. How do I get customers? Online advertising via WordPress and wix.
2. How do I help my clients?
Describe your services: Making a slideshow out of pictures sent to me from a buyer.
Any particular advantages for using me? Fast, cheap, easy, reliable.
What is your USP - can you be faster, better, cheaper than competitors? Yes.
Do I have any local competitors, and if so, who are they? Other video production companies.
3. What are the barriers to entry?
Personality & Aptitude? No.
General education? No.
Technical skills & tools? Some equipment may be hard to get.
Government red tape? No.
Other barriers to entry? Age.
Solo or needs a team? Solo.
4. How do I make money doing this?
ongoing (subscription
project billing or
5. Is this a long-term opportunity?
Can I do this for the next five years? Yes.
Or is this a steppingstone opportunity for me? Yes.
Or is this a dead end for me?
Initial rating (1 = weak 2 = okay 3 = strong)
Does this service interest me? 3 Could I get good at it? 3 Any local demand? 2
Is book publishing or video production more profitable?