Martin Luther stated a lot in one of his books, On the Freedom of a Christian. but what was his main point? Luther's main point was "A Christian man is the freest lord of all, subject to none. A Christian man is most dutiful servant of all, and subject to everyone." That may have been a little confusing, so here's what his point was: Christians are given freedom by God to serve others and help wherever possible.
John Calvin wrote a book called Institutes of the Christian Religion. The book contained six chapters which talked about the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the sacraments, and Christian liberty. John Calvin, a guy who eventually created his own church style, Calvinism, talked about the role God plays in everyone's salvation. He discussed predestination, the idea that God picks out who goes to heaven before they are born. He also taught that the glory and sovereignty of God should come first in all things and that God alone can control the church.
It can be very interesting to study different religious beliefs, and who started the religion.